Paul Morton

Paul Morton

Paul Morton

Paul is a professional illustrator with lots of stories to tell.

He helps run a weekend picture book retreat for other writers and illustrators.

He likes frogs, wild mushrooms and mountain biking and gets lots of his best ideas whilst out pedalling.

He keeps frogs in the pond in his garden and has actually names quite a few of them.

His favourite word is pebble.


Ashon Dragon



Our chat with Paul…

Bug Belly Babysitting Trouble by Paul Morton


Bug Belly, the ever-hungry but ingenious frog, must rescue 100's of tiny taddies from a pond that is quickly draining. But why is it emptying, only he and and his hungry tum know why! To save them all he's going to need his cleverest plan ever, and especially if he's to avoid Old Snapper, the ferocious Pike, Heron AND Sneaky Snake?!



Twitter: @paulhotfrog

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